Oh my God! What a big chair. the italicized part in this sentence has been used as –
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 485)
Fie! you can tell a lie. the italicized part in this sentence has been used as-
“Took to heart” means-
“In the right place” means-
“Coming to the front” means-
“Gall and wormwood” means-
“Thrown out of gear” means-
“went-home” means-
“Coining money” means-
“In character” means-
“Good books of” means-
“In his bad books” means-
“Quite at sea” means-
“In own light” means-
“To put foot in it” means-
“Foot the bill” means-
“Changed hands” means
“By long odds” means-
“To the heels” means