To lead a well balanced life, you need to have other interests ____ studying.
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 483)
We haven’t seen him ____ almost a year.
He sat ____ the fire me
He was accused____killing a young man.
He succeeded____the examination
He was walking____the field____the forest.
Attach the CV____your application.
Select the right preposition of “Presumption”
The antonym of prodigal
i shall adhere____my plan
the girls takes_____her mother.
i am not bad____tennis
he has assured me____safety
he spoke in favour____my selection.
I am in need____money.have you any need____money now.
He was accused ____ theft
I am acuainted ____ him
I am accustomed ____ such a life
he is addicted ____ wine
He has affection ____ or towards me. He is affectionate ____ or towards me.