Like human, zoo animals must have a dentist to have their teeth ____
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 486)
Lobbyists who represent special interest groups get ____ that benefits their groups.
BRTC often ____ extra beyond their normal wage as the day to day expense is too much high to maintain themselves.
Psychologists believe that incentives ____ to increase our productivity.
In partnership with John D.Rockefeller, Henry Flager ____ the Standard Oil Company.
Please ____ pay your monthly dues regularly.
It costs about tk. 500 to have a tooth ____.
Which is the following sentence is correct?
Select Appropriate Sentence : Where_____ ?
My mother ____ by a well-known photographer.
He didn’t let me ____ the guitar.
Anis had Rafique ____ the floor.
Javed had Asad ____ the car.
Our teacher makes us ____ very hard.
What is the alternative meaning to ‘ameliorate’?
Who is the father of English essay?
Who was the greatest dramatist before Shakespeare?
What is the main theme of “Paradise Lost”?
“Paradise Lost” is divided into ___
What is the first English comedy?