He has assured me _____ safety
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 481)
I am not bad ______ tennis.
She took me _____ the hand and led me _____ the dais.
When you encounter a new culture, many embarrassing situation occurs ______ a misunderstanding.
What is the time _____ your watch?
He abstains _____ liquor.
You are not amenable _____ reasons.
He listeners enjoyed his trenchant wit but his victims often winced _____ its satire.
The train is running ____ time.
Robi comes to work ____ car but I prefer to come foot.
To lead a well balanced life, you need to have other interests ____ studying.
We have not seen him _____ almost a year.
He sat ____ the fire on _____ me
I have great respect _____ him
My brother has no appetite ____ food
I have been suffering ____ fever for the last two days
Early rising is conductive ____ health
Happiness consists _____ contentment
He watched the mist ascending ____ the valley
We watched football matches ____ tv