Which canine is the descendant of an ancient breed of dog called Techichi, which was integral to the rituals of ancient Toltecs and Aztecs?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 245)
Which breed of little dogs was allowed access to the British Parliament by a decree issued by King Charles II?
Which ancient breed of dog did St Hubert, patron saint of hunters, and his monks develop in the 7th century AD?
Which breed was developed by a tax collector in the village of Apolda in Germany in the late 19th century as a fearless protection dog?
In Scotland, which brand of dog is most commonly used to herd sheep?
What breed of wolfhound did Russian nobleman prize for their skill in hunting?
What breed of salt and pepper terriers is named after a Character in Sir Walter Scout’s, Guy Mannering?
Which ferocious breed of dog was used by German butchers to guard their cattle?
Which breed of dog was called ‘Firehouse Dog’, having been the mascot of American fire station for a long time?
What dog gets its name from the German for a pull and means ‘water dog’?
Which Governor of Punjab, during the Jallianwala Bagh massacre 0f 1919, did Udham Singh assassinate in 1940?
In 1900, which king of Italy did Angelo Bresci assassinated?
What is the full name of Titanic which sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912?
The view ____ the open windows very pretty.
They argued that free access ____ information is their right.
He was not arrested because he was not subject ____ the same restrictions.
Her talk ____ Language and communication was too technical for us to understand.
Computers are very useful ____ creating different types of graphics.
Mita is sensetive ____ weather changes.
Man is ignorant ____ his fate.