His father brought a car ____ hire.
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 243)
Please lend me a hand ____ this trunk.
She applied for a promotion twice, but she was turned ____.
The winter has set ____ very late this year.
Water eats ____ irons.
Every mother yearns ____ her child.
After Lahore, which city served as the capital of Punjab before Chandigarh?
The writer was popular ____ young readers.
I will take leave ____ him.
WE sprinkle parsley ____ the tomatoes.
The smaller animals can easily leap ____ tree to tree.
Because of discrimination ____ women, she was required to work as a nurse rather than a doctor.
The 32,000-word novel The Time Machine ____ H.G. Wells popularized time travel.
There is still no way to wholly escape ____ the effects on the layers of gases enveloping the earth.
Please leave your key ____ the reception.
We need to do more to _____ the poor flood victims.
For which candidate was Rajib Gandhi campaigning when he was killed at Sri Perumbudur near Madras?
Which Turkish jail breaker unsuccessfully attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square, in Rome, in 1981?
Which 18-year-old actress did John Hinckley confess to be trying to impress when he shot President Reagan on March 30, 1981?
Which Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court headed the Commission to investigate the assassination of President John F Kennedy?