The division of this property was a sequel ____ the agreement.
সফল ক্যারিয়ারের জন্য বাংলা ভাষায় বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর (Page: ৯০)
The Chairman presided ____ the meeting.
Excess ____ anything is bad.
He was accused ____ Murder.
The man died ____ overeating.
I have no hatred ____ him.
I cannot be false ____ my friend.
He is bent ____ going.
He was accused ____ theft.
He was asked to ____ a doctor.
I can’t give assurance ____ help.
I have no hatred ____ him.
He deals ____ foreign good only, but out firm deals ____ several leading merchants who trade ____ variety ____ goods.
He is endowed ____ talents.
He was charged ____ theft.
The lease of our premises has run ____.
I could not make ____; what you said.
My result did not come ____ to my expectation.
As a sinner, I must go ____ the whole trial suffering.
He stared ____ the face of the old man.