He advised us to desist ____ that attempt.
সফল ক্যারিয়ারের জন্য বাংলা ভাষায় বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর (Page: ৯১)
The Padma abounds ____ Hilsha fish.
I do not believe ____ his honesty.
He was annoyed ____ the boy for being so stupid.
He is leaning ____ the wall.
Life is a tale told ____ an idiot.
The boy takes ____ his grandfather.
____ discovery of insulin, it was not possible to treat diabetes.
I avoided going by car ____ purpose.
She was blessed ____ a son.
You must cut ____ your expenditure.
The whole case hinges ____ this point.
Do not impute motives ____ him.
I absolve you ____ blame.
Find out the correct sentence ____.
We write ____ ink.
I cannot accede ____ your proposal.
He insisted ____.
We were ____ friends in the strange but magical country.
I can’t give assurance ____ help.