The Mississippi River flows into which body of water?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 85)
Which lake marks the source of the Mississippi River?
What is the length of the Mississippi River?
Where does the Mississippi River begin?
What is the primary reason people visit the Pacific Coast?
Which initiative focuses on restoring habitats along the Pacific Coast?
Which state is famous for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
Which state is the birthplace of President Abraham Lincoln?
Which state is known for the famous Mackinac Island?
Which state is known for the famous Mackinac Island?
Which state is home to the famous Lake Michigan?
Which state is the birthplace of the American automobile industry?
Which Midwest state is known as the “Show Me State”?
What is the state flower of Iowa?
Which city is home to the University of Minnesota?
Which state is the largest producer of soybeans in the Midwest?
What is the nickname for the state of Illinois?
Which Midwest state is home to the Great Lakes?
Which Midwest state is famous for its automobile industry?
Which of the following states is NOT part of the Midwest?