We like people________speak about________people of Bangladesh.
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 528)
This is the person __________came last week.
He was so worried about _________he should ask to the big dance, that he ended up not asking anyone.
T.A. Watson’s business involved building models for inventors ____ had ideas but lacked the means or skills to execute them.
People ________live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
She prefers to watch movies__________make her cry.
He bought all the books_________are required for the course.
Blake is among the very few individuals________art and literature.
Give these old_________them most.
If it is thew present administration ____ for the economic crisis, the first step toward a solution is to reject the incumbent at the polls this November.
Shayana arrested________attacked by his followers always.
Many people decided to honor Mr.Robin________everybody knew as an honest man.
He’s the architect________designed that monstrosity in the city centre.
She’s the athlete__________world record has never been beaten.
Anyone _________cheats in the exam will be punished.
Everything _________he says is a lie.
That’s the actor________I met at the disco.
The film was not at all_________I had expected
_________book is that?
Of all her students in French 101, ____ did Mrs. Bongiorno seem to like the most?