The voters have chosen ____ and ____ to be their representatives.
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 527)
I’m very tall, but guess what! My sister is taller than _________ am.
At first, I wanted to split the money between Jo-Jo and______. I ended up giving the money to _______only.
Franklin was America’s first important inventor. __________invented the Franklin stove, bifocal eyeglasses and the lightning rod.
Many people hate to eat in restaurants by
A sizable proportion of the homeless claim that ______hope is to have a place to live.
The Judges at he Fair are delighted to inform you that________are one of the selected finalists.
Linguistics studies the structure of language and regularities_________.
Mary Cassette was an inventive printmaker, and _______were always at the service of the public.
The sense of touch is essential in locating external objects if__________ close to our bodies.
Many students will now be starting to worry about _______exam results.
With the exception of _________assignments by the stipulated time schedule.
Gauhar Jamil,_________of the pioneers of modern dance, didn’t begin dancing until the was 21.
She wanted to buy a scarf__________ would complement her blue eyes.
Children ______mother drink heavily during pregnancy are often born with congenital defects.
A language laboratory has audio equipment placed in booths_______student listen to language tapes.
We thank many editors_________assisted us in the preparation of this book.
In a parliamentary system, it is not the monarch but the prime minister.
That is the person ____ I was speaking ____.