The university canteen was temporarily shut down when twelve students ____ food poisoning.
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 506)
The wedding is _________ despite the fact the bridegroom’s mother is ill in hospital.
Choose the best Synonymous Option for-Swan song
Choose the best Synonymous Option for-Take me to task
Choose the best Synonymous Option for-Nip in the bud
Choose the best Synonymous Option for- On the instant
Choose the best Synonymous Option for- Cat’s paw
Choose the best Synonymous Option for- At daggers drawn
Choose the best Synonymous Option for-A man of parts
Choose the best Synonymous Option for- As the crow flies
Choose the best Synonymous Option for-At a stretch
Choose the best Synonymous Option for- Ten to one
The teacher accused me of ____ because my essay was so similar to that of another student.
We live in a ____ age; everyone thinks that maximizing pleasure is the point of life.
The meal had ____ effect on the famished travelers; their energy was restored almost instantly.
Ancient cloth makers probably could not twist flax fibers until they had dipped the fibers into water to make them ____.
Rosita Peru, who rose to become the highest-ranking female in the television industry, was ____ recruited: Spanish language program- producers courted her persistently.
The new concert hall proved to be a __________: it was costly, acoustically unsatisfactory, and far too small
The prosecutor termed the defendants actions _______ because there was no justification for their intentional disregard for the law.
Science progresses by building on what has come before; important findings thus form the basis of ____ experiments.