He was ____ to a skeleton.
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 454)
A synonym for Ascent is ____.
The antonym for dull is _____.
Do not hanker ____ money.
This will put a slur ____ this name .
The tree has been blown _____ by the strong wind .
He died _____ accident.
He fall _____ in his house and has been in bed for two days.
The alternative _____ submission is death.
He was annoyed_____ me for telling the bitter true.
His infatuation _____ that girl lead him astray.
Rahim was innocent _____ the charge.
We urged the point _____ this consideration ?
She was deprived______ the property.
The bus has seating capacity —– twenty passenger.
He was in wanting _____ money.
He live—–honest means.
He was nearly dead—–the time he got back home.
I eat that as an excuse—–conversation.
The old sailor saw his companions fall—– dead.