The teacher made the children ____ the book.
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 452)
I would rather die than ____.
A lot of money in the pocket makes one ____ happy.
He did not let me ____ the guitar.
This children park ____ half an hour before sunset.
Abraham Lincoln ____ one of the great men of American history.
I was lived that night, I ____ wood all morning.
People ____ a lot of mangoes now because they are cheap now.
The Tajmahal as said ____ built by Shahjahan.
The man ____ in the accident was taken to hospital?
____ the letter tonight, she will post it tomorrow.
The virtuous (be) ____ always happy.
The students have submitted the report today which they ____ to bring yesterday.
I have no objection to ____ your story again.
I stretched for tissue but the box of tissues ____ nearly empty.
When did Elinor die?
When did Robert frost search for job?
Robert Frost attend in which school?
What did Robert Frost’s father do?
A reward has been announced for the employees who ____ hard.