The average height of 35 girls in a class was calculated as 160 cm. It was later found that the height of one of the girls in the class was wrongly written as 144 cm, whereas her actual height was 104 cm. What is the actual average height of the girls in the class? (rounded off to 2 digits after decimal)
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 213)
The average mark of a student in 4 subjects is 75. If the student obtained 80 marks in the fifth subject, then the new average is?
I think I ____ a cassette recorder and use it in class.
Ask him when the engineers ____ finish the talks.
They ____ their English exam at this time tomorrow.
He ____ to learn French next year.
Jack ____ into the army next year.
I shall be back by 6.00 pm and I hope you ____ a good sleep by that time.
All the children ____ on excursion next week.
What ____ you ____ next Sunday?
My boss ____ some V.I.P.’s tomorrow.
He ____ for you at 7.00 pm in the evening next Sunday.
They ____ dinner at this time tomorrow.
____ you ____ at 6 tomorrow?
I’ll ask him what he ____ for lunch.
I ____ to start a new life tomorrow.
Be quick or we ____ for school.
By the end of the first term, we ____ many English books.
We ____ for Niagara tomorrow.
What ____ you ____ at 6.00 pm tomorrow?