Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 212)
Four years ago, the average age of a family of four persons was 18 years. During this period, a baby was born. Today if the average age of the family is still 18 years, the age of the baby is?
The average of 4 positive integers is 59. The highest integer is 83 and the lowest integer is 29. The difference between the remaining two integers is 28. Which of the following integers is the highest of the remaining two integers?
The average age of a group of persons going for a picnic is 16 years. Twenty new persons with an average age of 15 years join the group on the spot due to which their average age becomes 15.5 years. The number of persons initially going for a picnic is
Ten years ago, the ages of the members of a joint family of eight people added up to 231 years. Three years later, one member died at the age of 60 years and a child was born during the same year. After another three years, one more member died, again at 60, and a child was born during the same year. The current average of this eight-member joint family is nearest to
In a cricket eleven, the average age of eleven players is 28 years. Out of these, the average ages of three groups of three players each are 25 years, 28 years, and 30 years respectively. If in these groups, the captain and the youngest player are not included, and the captain is eleven years older than the youngest player. What is the age of the captain?