Exercise is beneficial ____ health.
সফল ক্যারিয়ারের জন্য বাংলা ভাষায় বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর (Page: ১০৫)
Good sleep is necessary ____ good health.
The teacher has no control ____ the students.
I do not agree ____ you on this point.
Sugan’s story is devoid ____ truth.
He dispensed with the services ____ his dishonest clerk.
In the morning, I simply take a glance ____ the newspaper headlines.
He has suffered heavy losses, yet he was rolling ____ wealth.
A good judge never jumps ____ the conclusion.
We traveled ____ a boat to reach Sri Lanka.
The Indian magpie indulges ____ a long flight.
There was no agreement ____ the great powers ____ a treaty to ban nuclear weapons.
Only the blood-stained road was a witness ____ his assassination.
We must keep ____ something for the rainy day.
I was astonished ____ the sad news.
I am used ____ such hardships.
Siva has no control ____ his temper.
My relations ____ Suganya are good.
Raman’s speech pointed ____ some of our defects.
India is committed ____ a policy of peaceful existence.