Suppose that a consumer’s preferences are well behaved in that properties 4-1-4-4 are satisfied and the initial equilibrium consumption bundle consists of 100 units of X and 50 units of Y. If PX increases such that the new equilibrium consumption bundle is 150 units of X and 75 units of Y, then goods X and Y are

  • Complements

Suppose that a consumer’s preferences are well behaved in that properties 4-1-4-4 are satisfied and the initial budget constraint is given by 300 = 2X + 4Y. At the initial budget constraint, this consumer purchases 100 units of good X and 25 units of good Y. Suppose the price of X increases to $4 per unit resulting in a new consumption bundle consisting of 60 units of X and 15 units of Y. Then, slope of the inverse demand for good X over this consumption range is

  • -0.05

Suppose that consumers’ preferences are well behaved in that properties 4-1-4-4 are satisfied. Furthermore, assume that X is a normal good, Y is an inferior good and that the price of good Y decreases. Then, which of the following effect is known with certainty.

  • The income and substitution effect reinforce one another leading to an overall decrease the consumption of good X

Suppose that consumers’ preferences are well behaved in that properties 4-1-4-4 are satisfied. Furthermore, assume that X is a normal good, Y is an inferior good and that the price of good Y increases. Then, which of the following effect is known with certainty.

  • The income and substitution effect will have competing effects leading to an indeterminate impact on the consumption of good Y

Suppose that consumers’ preferences are well behaved in that properties 4-1-4-4 are satisfied. Furthermore, assume that both X and Y are normal goods and that the price of good Y increases. Then, which of the following effect is known with certainty.

  • There will be an indeterminate effect on the consumption of good X

Suppose that consumers’ preferences are well behaved in that properties 4-1-4-4 are satisfied. Furthermore, assume that both X and Y are normal goods and that the price of good Y decreases. Then, which of the following effect is known with certainty.

  • The income and substitution effect will reinforce one another leading to an overall increase in the consumption of good Y

Suppose that consumers’ preferences are well behaved in that properties 4-1-4-4 are satisfied. Furthermore, assume that both X and Y are normal goods and that the price of good X increases. Then, which of the following effect is known with certainty.

  • The income and substitution effect reinforce one another leading to an overall decrease the consumption of good X

Suppose that consumers’ preferences are well behaved in that properties 4-1-4-4 are satisfied. Furthermore, assume that both X and Y are inferior goods and the price of good Y increases. Then the substitution effect will lead consumers to consume

  • More of good X and less of good Y

Suppose that consumers’ preferences are well behaved in that properties 4-1-4-4 are satisfied. Furthermore, assume that X is a normal good, Y is an inferior good and the price of good X increases. Then the substitution effect will lead consumers to consume

  • Less of good X and more of good Y

Suppose that consumers’ preferences are well behaved in that properties 4-1-4-4 are satisfied. Furthermore, assume goods X and Y are normal goods and the price of good X decreases. Then the substitution effect will lead consumers to consume

  • More of good X and less of good Y
When the price of one good decreases, the associated substitution effect is represented by a
  • Move along a given indifference curve holding real income constant

When the price of one good increases, the associated income effect is represented by a move from one indifference curve to a

  • Lower indifference curve since real income is now lower
Consider a two good world, with commodities X and Y. If X is an inferior good, then an increase in consumer income cannot
  • Decrease the demand for Y

Given that income is $300, the price of good Y is $15, and the price of good X is $20. What is the vertical intercept of the budget line?

  • 20

Suppose earnings are given by E = $50 + $20(24 – L), where E is earnings and L is the hours of leisure. What is the price to the worker of consuming an additional hour of leisure?

  • $20

The total earnings of a worker are represented by E = 150 + $12(24 – L), where E is earnings and L is the number of hours of leisure. How much will the worker earn if he takes 16 hours of leisure per day?

  • $246
The substitution affect isolates the change in the consumption of a good caused by:
  • The change in the relative prices of two goods
Given that income is $750 and PX = $32 and PY = $8, what is the market rate of substitution between goods X and Y?
  • -4