The demand for good X is estimated to be QXd = 10, 000 – 4PX + 5PY + 2M + AX, where PX is the price of X, PY is the price of good Y, M is income and AX is the amount of advertising on X. Suppose the present price of good X is $50, PY = $100, M = $25,000, and AX = 1,000 units. Based on this information, we know that the demand for good X is
  • Inelastic
The demand for good X is estimated to be QXd = 10,000 – 4PX + 5PY + 2M + AX, where PXis the price of X, PY is the price of good Y, M is income and AX is the amount of advertisingon X. Suppose the present price of good X is $50, PY = $100, M = $25,000, and AX = 1,000units. What is the own-price elasticity of demand for good X?
  • -0.003
The demand for good X is estimated to be QXd = 10,000 – 4PX + 5PY + 2M + AX where PX is the price of X, PY is the price of good Y, M is income and AX is the amount ofadvertising on X. Suppose the present price of good X is $50, PY = $100, M = $25,000, andAX = 1,000 units. What is the quantity demanded of good X?
  • 61,300
The demand for good X is estimated to be QXd = 10,000 – 4PX + 5PY + 2M + Awhere PX is the price of X, PY is the price of good Y, M is income and AX is the amount ofadvertising on X. Suppose the present price of good X is $50, PY = $100, M = $25,000, andAX = 1,000 units. What is the demand curve for good X?
  • 61,500 - 4PX

Suppose the own-price elasticity of demand for good X is -0.5, and that the price of goodX increases by 10%. What would you expect to happen to the total expenditures on good X?

  • Increase

Suppose the own-price elasticity of demand for good X is -0.5, and that the price of goodX increases by 10%. We would expect the quantity demanded of good X to ____

  • Decrease by 5%
The elasticity of variable G with respect to variable S is defined as
  • The percentage change in variable G that results from a given percentage change in variable S

A study has estimated the effect of changes in interest rates and consumer confidence on the demand for money to be: lnM = 14.666 +.021 lnC – 0.036 lnr, where M denotes real money balances, C is an index of consumer confidence, and r is the interest rate paid on bank deposits. Based on this study, a 5% increase in interest rates will cause the demand for money to:

  • Drop by.18%

A study has estimated the effect of changes in interest rates and consumer confidence on the demand for money to be: lnM = 14.666 +.021 lnC – 0.036 lnr, where M denotes real money balances, C is an index of consumer confidence, and r is the interest rate paid on bank deposits. Based on this study we know that the interest elasticity is:

  • Very inelastic

As a rule-of-thumb, a parameter estimate is statistically different from zero when the absolute value of the t-statistic is:

  • Greater than or equal to two
Which of the following measures of fit penalizes a researcher for estimating many coefficients with relatively little data?
  • Adjusted R-square

The demand for video recorders has been estimated to be QV = 134 – 1.07PF + 46PM -2.1PV – 5I, where QV is the quantity of video recorders, PF denotes the price of video recorder film, PM is the price of attending a movie, PV is the price of video recorders, and I is income. Based on the estimated demand equation we can conclude:

  • Video recorders are inferior goods
Suppose the demand function is given by QX d = 8PX 0.5 PY 0.25 M0.12 H. Then the cross-price elasticity between goods X and Y is:
  • 0.25