The demand for good X has been estimated by QX d = 6 – 2PX + 5PY. Suppose that good X sells at $3 per unit and good Y sels flor $2 per unit. Calculate the own price elasticity.

  • -0.6

Assume that the price elasticity of demand is -0.75 for a certain firm’s product. If the firm lowers price, the firm’s managers can expect total revenue to

  • Decrease

If the demand function for a particular good is Q = 20 – 8P, then the price elasticity of demand (in absolute value) at a price of $1 is

  • 2/3

When the price of sugar was “low”, consumers in the United States spent a total of $3 billion annually on its consumption. When the price doubled, consumer expenditures actually increased to $4 billion annually. This indicates that

  • None of the statements associated with this question are correct

The cross-price elasticity of demand for textbooks and copies of old exams is -3.5. If the price of copies of old exams increase by 10 percent, the quantity demanded of textbooks will

  • Fall by 35 percent

The elasticity of demand for gasoline has been estimated to be 2.0, and the standard error is 1.0. The upper and lower bounds on the 95 percent confidence interval for the elasticity of demand for gasoline are

  • None of the statements associated with this question are correct

The demand for video recorders has been estimated to linear and given by the demand relation QV = 145 – 3.2PV + 7M – 0.95PF – 39PM, where QV is the quantity of video recorders, Pf denotes the price of video recorder film, PM is the price of attending a movie, PV is the price of video recorders, and M is income. Based on the estimated demand equation we can conclude:

  • Video recorders are normal goods and video recorder film is a complement for video recorders

If the demand function for a particular good is Q = 25 – 10P, then the price elasticity of demand (in absolute value) at a price of $1 is

  • 2/3

The cross-price advertising of demand for books and magazines is -2.0. If the price of magazines decreases by 10 percent, the quantity demanded of books will

  • Rise by 20 percent

The cross price elasticity of demand between goods X and Y is -3.5. If the price of X decreases by 7%, the quantity demanded of Y will:

  • Increase by 24.5%

The demand for good X is given by lnQX d = 120 – 0.9 lnPX + 1.5 lnPY – 0.7 lnM. Which of the following statements is correct?

  • X has constant income elasticity

When the price of sugar was “low”, consumers in the U.S. spent a total of $3 billion annually on sugar consumption. When the price doubled, consumer expenditures remained at $3 billion annually. This data indicates that:

  • None of the statements associated with this question are correct

The management of Local Cinema has estimated the monthly demand for tickets to be lnQ = 22,328 – 0.41 lnP + 0.5 lnM – 0.33 lnA + 100 lnPvcr, where Q = quantity of tickets demanded, P = price per ticket, M = income, A = advertising outlay, and Pvcr = price of a VCR tape rental. It is known that P = $5.50, M = $9,000, A = $900, and Pvcr = $3.00. Based on the information given, which of the following statements is false?

  • Movies are complements for VCR tapes

The management of Local Cinema has estimated the monthly demand for tickets to be lnQ = 22,328 – 0.41 lnP + 0.5 lnM – 0.33 lnA + 100 lnPvcr, where Q = quantity of tickets demanded, P = price per ticket, M = income, A = advertising outlay, and Pvcr = price of a VCR tape rental. It is known that P = $5.50, M = $9,000, A = $900, and Pvcr = $3.00. Determine the own-price elasticity of demand for movie tickets

  • -0.41

The price elasticity of demand is -2.0 for a certain firm’s product. If the firm raises price,the firm manager can expect total revenue to

  • Decrease

 Each week Bill buys exactly 7 bottles of cola regardless of its price. Bill’s own price elasticity of demand for cola in absolute value is:

  • Zero

When the price of sugar was “low”, consumers in the U.S. spent a total of $3 billion annually on sugar consumption. When the price doubled, consumer expenditures increased to $5 billion annually. This data indicates that:

  • The demand for sugar is inelastic