Which industry has seen growth in the Appalachian region due to its natural beauty?
Topic: The Major Landform Regions of the USA Multiple Choice Quiz ( MCQ ) and Answer
The term “Appalachian Spring” is associated with what?
Which Appalachian state is known for its significant logging industry?
What form of small-scale farming is common in the Appalachian region?
Which crop, commonly grown in the Appalachian Mountains, was crucial to early settlers for making whiskey?
What famous Appalachian Trail stretches over 2,000 miles from Georgia to Maine?
What type of coal, mined in Appalachia, is known for its high carbon content and is often used in steel production?
Which Appalachian National Park is the most visited in the U.S.?
The Appalachian Mountains played a major role in which U.S. war?
What renewable energy source is being developed in parts of the Appalachian Mountains?
What is one of the main types of music that originated in the Appalachian Mountains?
In which Appalachian state is the city of Pittsburgh, known for its historical steel industry?
Which Appalachian state’s capital is Richmond?
Tourism in the Appalachian Mountains is driven primarily by:
In Appalachian folklore, what is a “Granny Witch”?
What is one of the primary crops historically grown in the Appalachian region?
The Hatfield-McCoy feud took place in which part of the Appalachian Mountains?
Which important Appalachian Mountain industry saw a decline in the 20th century?
The Appalachian region is known for its distinctive style of which type of dance?
Which traditional instrument is commonly associated with Appalachian music?
What form of transportation was crucial to opening the Appalachian region for trade and travel?
What type of mining caused environmental concerns in the Appalachian region in the 20th century?