What initiative, passed in 1965, was designed to address poverty and economic underdevelopment in Appalachia?
Topic: The Major Landform Regions of the USA Multiple Choice Quiz ( MCQ ) and Answer
What is the highest peak in the Appalachian Mountains?
Which major U.S. river system has headwaters in the Appalachian Mountains?
The Blue Ridge Mountains are a part of which mountain range?
The Appalachian Plateau is a distinctive landform found in which state?
What natural force is responsible for shaping the rounded peaks of the Appalachian Mountains?
Which Appalachian sub-range is known for its dramatic fall foliage and scenic views?
Which of the following is a major fault line located near the Appalachian Mountains?
What type of rock primarily makes up the Appalachian Mountains?
The Appalachian Mountains are a key part of which major U.S. watershed?
Which industry has seen growth in the Appalachian region due to its natural beauty?
The term “Appalachian Spring” is associated with what?
Which Appalachian state is known for its significant logging industry?
What form of small-scale farming is common in the Appalachian region?
Which crop, commonly grown in the Appalachian Mountains, was crucial to early settlers for making whiskey?
What famous Appalachian Trail stretches over 2,000 miles from Georgia to Maine?
What type of coal, mined in Appalachia, is known for its high carbon content and is often used in steel production?
The Appalachians are home to which thriving handmade product industry?
Which Appalachian state’s economy was largely built around tobacco farming?
What major infrastructure project of the 20th century helped connect Appalachian communities to broader U.S. markets?
Which Appalachian state is home to the historic coal-mining town of Harlan?
What is one of the key agricultural products of the Appalachian Mountains?