In the event of an accident involving hazardous materials, you should first …
  • Send someone for help and warn others of the danger

Product ID numbers must appear on each side and both ends of a portable tank or other bulk packaging containing …

  • Hazardous materials exceeding 500 gallons
  • Food products exceeding 1000 gallons
  • Hazardous materials 1000 gallons or more
  • None of the above

Which statement is correct?

  • Hazardous materials 1000 gallons or more

The shipper must attach a diamond-shaped label to hazardous materials by …

  • Putting a label on the package
  • Putting a label on a tag attached to the product
  • Putting a label on the product
  • Any one of the above

Which statement is correct?

  • Any one of the above

The hazardous materials will be named on …

  • The Hazardous Materials Table List
  • The List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities
  • Either one of the above lists
  • Both of the first two option

Which statement is correct?

  • Either one of the above lists

Which one of the following shipping descriptions is in the proper order …

  • UN1076, Phosgene, 2.3
  • Phosgene, 2.3, UN1076
  • Phosgene, UN1076, Poison A
  • none of the above

Which statement is correct?

  • UN1076, Phosgene, 2.3

The hazardous material’s identification number is important because …

  • The shipper must include it on the package
  • Police use the number to identify the material after an accident
  • The shipper must include it on the shipping papers
  • All of the above

Which statement is correct?

  • All of the above

When hauling hazardous materials with any dual tires …

  • Stop and check the tires every hour
  • You must check the tires each time you stop.
  • Check tires every 3 hours or 150 miles
  • None of the above.

Which statement is correct?

  • You must check the tires each time you stop.

When there is a hazardous materials emergency. You should:

  • Prevent smoking and keep open flames away.
  • Keep people away and warn them of the danger.
  • Both the first two option
  • None of the above

Which statement is correct?

  • Both the first two option

Which signals may be used to warn of a stopped vehicle that contains explosives?

  • Flares or fusees
  • Reflective triangles
  • Signal fires
  • All of the above.

Which option is correct?

  • Reflective triangles

Which of the following choices is a hazard class you are not allowed to smoke around?

  • Oxidizers
  • Flammables
  • Explosives
  • All of the above

Which option is correct?

  • All of the above
If there is an “rq” before or after the item description on the shipping paper, it means the:
  • Carrier must report any spill of this material which occurs in a reportable quantity.
When a substance in the materials table is written in italics it means :
  • It is not the proper shipping name. Only those in roman type above it are proper shipping names

You do not have a hazardous materials endorsement on your commercial driver license. When can you legally haul hazardous materials?

  • Only when the vehicle does not require placards

The basic description of a hazardous material includes the hazard class, the id number, and the proper shipping name. Which one must appear first on the shipping paper?

  • The identification number