Who is known as the father of English poetry?
Topic: Biography Quiz ( MCQ and Answer )
Who is the father of Modern English Poetry?
Who is the father of English Language?
Who is the ‘University Wits’ in the following list?
Who is the father of English Literature?
Wordsworth is a ____ poet.
Charles Lamb was ____
Who is the writer of ‘Harold’?
Who is the writer of ‘Locksley Hall’?
When Alfred Lord Tennyson was born?
When Alfred Lord Tennyson was died?
Shakespeare was born in the year ____
Shakespeare is knows mostly for his ____
In which year Winston Churchill got the Novel prize in literature?
Choose the right answer: Chaucer is the representative poet of ____
The novel ‘Roots’ was written by ____
T. S. Eliot is ____ poet.
George Bernard Shaw is ____
The author of the book ‘Asian Drama’ is ____
Bertrand Russel was a British ____
T. S Eliot was born in ____
Charles Dickens is a great ____