What is the analogy between alarm:trigger
Topic: The Production Process and Costs Quiz ( MCQ and Answer )
What is the analogy between quotation:quotation marks
What is the analogy between signature:illustration
What is the analogy between scales:justice
What is the analogy between NEW: MODERN
What is the analogy between DISTORT :TWIST
What is the analogy between STIMULATE :COOL DOWN
What is the analogy between AVIARY :BIRDS
What is the analogy between TRAVEL :JOURNEY
What is the analogy between VACCINE :PREVENT
What is the analogy between FREQUENTLY :ALWAYS
What is the analogy between SELL :PURCHASE
What is the analogy between CARPENTER : SAW
What is the analogy between WHISPER :TALK
What is the analogy between TRAVEL :JOURNEY PARDON : OFFENSE
What is the analogy between PLAY : ACTS
What is the analogy between TORCH : LIBERTY
What is the analogy between DELAY :RETARD
What is the analogy between SUBMISSIVE :DISOBEDIENT
What is the analogy between PEPPER : SEASON
What is the analogy between EGG : OVAL
What is the analogy between DIGNIFY : HUMILIATE