Which Surah gives instructions on how to perform wudu (ablution) before prayer?
Subject: Religions Multiple Choice Quiz ( MCQ ) and Answer
Which Surah describes the destruction of the disbelievers by a windstorm as a punishment from Allah?
Which Surah describes the earth as a resting place and the sky as a canopy?
Which Surah mentions that good and evil are not equal, advising believers to repel evil with good?
Which Surah warns of the destruction of the people of Aad for their disbelief and arrogance?
Which Surah describes the punishment for those who deal in fraud and cheat in business transactions?
Which Surah warns against those who reject the truth after it has become clear to them?
Which Surah describes the punishment for those who deny resurrection and the Hereafter?
Which Surah commands Muslims to give in charity for the sake of Allah?
Which Surah contains the command to face the Kaaba in Makkah while praying?
Which Surah outlines the rules regarding permissible and impermissible food?
Which Surah mentions the importance of offering prayer at prescribed times?
Which Surah stresses the importance of maintaining cleanliness and personal hygiene?
Which Surah warns against those who hoard wealth and do not spend it in the cause of Allah?
Which Surah describes the punishment of those who deny the Day of Judgment?
Which Surah talks about the mountains being like pegs?
Which Surah warns of the consequences for those who reject the message of the prophets?
Which Surah refers to the development of a human being in the womb in stages?
Which Surah describes the punishment of the people of Thamud for their arrogance and disobedience?
Which Surah mentions the bees and the role they play in producing honey?
Which Surah describes the stars as sources of navigation?
Which Surah talks about the sea meeting without mixing, referring to the barrier between salty and fresh water?