Which Surah deals extensively with the laws of inheritance?
Subject: Islam Multiple Choice Quiz ( MCQ ) and Answer
What is the primary theme of Surah Al-Fatiha?
What is the main theme of Surah Al-Ikhlas?
What does Surah Al-Baqarah emphasize about charity?
Which Surah promotes the principle of justice?
Which Surah emphasizes the importance of time?
Which Surah advises against arrogance and pride?
Which Surah is named after an event where an army with elephants was destroyed?
Which Surah is known as the “Chapter of the Night”?
Which Surah begins with the verse “By the dawn”?
Which Surah is known as the “Chapter of the Elephant”?
Which Surah describes the significance of Hajj (pilgrimage) and it’s rituals?
Which Surah gives instructions on how to perform wudu (ablution) before prayer?
Which Surah describes the destruction of the disbelievers by a windstorm as a punishment from Allah?
Which Surah describes the earth as a resting place and the sky as a canopy?
Which Surah mentions that good and evil are not equal, advising believers to repel evil with good?
Which Surah warns of the fleeting nature of wealth and children in this worldly life?
Which Surah describes the Quran as a guide for the righteous?
Which Surah mentions that every soul will taste death?
Which Surah discusses the prohibition of intoxicants and gambling?
Which Surah mentions that the righteous will dwell in gardens beneath which rivers flow?
Which Surah warns of the calamities that will strike on the Day of Judgment?