Which Surah is recommended to be recited every Friday?
Subject: Islam Multiple Choice Quiz ( MCQ ) and Answer
Which Surah explains the rules for fasting during the month of Ramadan?
Which Surah emphasizes the prohibition of interest (riba)?
Which Surah advises Muslims on the importance of being just and fair in business transactions?
Which Surah prohibits the consumption of alcohol and gambling?
Which Surah advises Muslims on the importance of charity (zakat)?
Which Surah lays down the punishment for theft?
Which Surah mentions the miracle of Prophet Sulaiman (AS) controlling the wind?
Which Surah narrates the story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and the building of the Kaaba?
Which Surah narrates the miracle of Prophet Isa (AS) speaking in the cradle?
Which Surah contains the story of Prophet Hud (AS) and his people?
Which Surah narrates the story of Prophet Lut (AS) and the destruction of his people?
Which Surah mentions the incident of the Prophet Nuh (AS) and the great flood?
Which Surah narrates the story of the sleepers in the cave (Ashab Al-Kahf)?
Which Surah tells the story of the Prophet Yusuf (AS) and his trials?
Which Surah mentions the miracle of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) being saved from the fire?
Which Surah narrates the destruction of the people of Prophet Hud (AS)?
Which Surah narrates the story of Prophet Lut (AS) and the destruction of his people?
Which Surah calls Allah “Ar-Razzaq” (The Provider)?
Which Surah describes the punishment of the people of Lut (Lot) for their immoral behavior?
Which Surah mentions Allah as “As-Samad” (The Eternal Refuge)?
In which Surah is Allah referred to as “Al-Hadi” (The Guide)?