Which of the following battles followed Lexington and Concord in the Revolutionary War?
Subject: History Multiple Choice Quiz ( MCQ ) and Answer
What message did the battles send to other colonies?
Which British military strategy failed during the battles?
What was a major consequence of the battles at Lexington and Concord?
What did the colonists primarily seek to protect at Concord?
Which famous phrase is associated with the American Revolution stemming from the battles?
What was the role of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress in the lead-up to the battles?
What tactic did colonial forces use to ambush British troops during their retreat?
Which notable future President was involved in the events at Concord?
What did the outcome of Lexington and Concord demonstrate about the colonies?
How did the British soldier’s discipline compare to that of the colonial militia?
What did the British troops intend to do with the supplies in Concord?
Who is often credited with the phrase “The British are coming”?
What was a key difference between British and colonial military leadership?
What was the overall impact of the Battle of Bunker Hill on British colonial policy?
What role did the Old North Church play in the events leading up to the battles?
Which of the following was a key reason for colonial resistance to British rule?
What did colonial militias often lack compared to British troops?
What happened on the first day of battle?
Which of the following was a primary tactic used by the Union Army?
What was the significance of Cemetery Ridge?
Which famous Union Colonel commanded the 20th Maine?