Which national park is not located in the Rockies?
Subject: Geography Multiple Choice Quiz ( MCQ ) and Answer
What is the approximate average elevation of the Rockies?
Which major river originates in the Rockies?
How long is the Rocky Mountain range?
Which countries do the Rockies span?
What is the highest peak in the Rockies?
Where are the Rocky Mountains primarily located?
Which Appalachian trail feature is most famous for its scenic beauty?
Which of the following animals is endangered in the Appalachian region?
What is the primary source of water for many rivers in the Appalachian region?
The Appalachian Mountains are home to the highest concentration of which type of forest in the U.S.?
Which species of tree was decimated by an invasive fungus in the Appalachian region?
What geological event caused the Appalachian Mountains to form
Which is a traditional Appalachian food?
What major event took place in the Appalachian region during the 1930s?
Which of the following is the longest river in the Appalachian region?
What natural feature defines the boundary between the Appalachian Highlands and the Great Valley?
The Appalachian Mountains are home to which type of rare, endangered plant species?
What is the name of the highest point in the Blue Ridge Mountains?
The Appalachian region is known for its rich history of which agricultural crop?
What environmental challenge has affected the Appalachian Mountains due to coal mining?
The Appalachian region is known for having a high prevalence of what chronic health issue?