The Raman Research Institute is located in which of the following cities?

  • Bengaluru city
  • Mumbai city
  • Calcutta city
  • New Delhi city
  • Bengaluru city

The novel “Manvini Bhavai” has been written in which of the following languages?

  • Kannada
  • Telugu
  • Tamil
  • Gujarati
  • Gujarati language

“Years of Pilgrimage” is the autobiography of which of the following Indians?

  • Dr. Sitakant Mohapatra
  • Dr. Raja Ramanna
  • K.K. Nair
  • Naresh Mehta
  • Dr. Raja Ramanna

What is the name of the area where hundreds of decommissioned satellites, space stations, and other spacecraft have been made to fall there upon re-entering the atmosphere, to lessen the risk of hitting inhabited locations? Nowadays the area is also known as a “spacecraft cemetery”.

  • Point Nemo