Who wrote ‘Prometheus Unbound’?
Subject: English Literature Multiple Choice Quiz ( MCQ ) and Answer
John Keats is primarily a poet of ____
Wordsworth is a ____ poet.
Wordsworth was inspired by ____
One of the following was a Romantic poet ____
The Romantic age in English literature began with the publication of ____
The year 1798 is famous for ____
Which of the following school of literature is connected with a medical theory?
Which is known as Romantic Period of English literature?
The Romantic Age began with publication of ____
Which period of 1798-1832 is ____
Who was the contemporary poet of William Wordsworth?
The tempest / Othello / Pride and Prejudice / King Lear – which is not a play?
‘Essays of Elia’ was written by ____
Charles Lamb was ____
‘If winter come, can spring be far behind’? These lines were written by ____
Who wrote ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’?
‘Our Sweetest songs are those that tell of a saddest thoughts’ is a quotation from Shelley’s ____
‘They ____ in never-ending ____’
Jane Austen is the writer of ____
Who wrote the poem ‘Don Juan’?
Who wrote ‘Ode to a Nightingale’?