When transporting hazardous waste, you must …

  • Have the word “WASTE” before the name of the material on the bills
  • Sign a Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest
  • Carry a Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest in the truck
  • All of the above

Which of the statement is correct?

  • All of the above
Which of the following statements about “Radioactive” labels is true?
  • Yellow III indicates the highest level of radioactivity

You may use DANGEROUS placards instead of separate placards for each Table 2 hazard class when: (You must use the specific placard for this material.)

  • You have 1,001 pounds or more of two or more Table 2 hazard classes, requiring different placards
  • You have not loaded 2,205 pounds or more of any Table 2 hazard class material at any one place.
  • both of above
  • either of the first two option
  • both of above

The floor liner for explosives may not …

  • Contain steel or iron
  • Contain nails or screws
  • Contain cracks or holes
  • Contain any of the above
  • Contain any of the above
Which of the following statements about loading and unloading cargo tanks is false?
  • The person in attendance must be within 50 ft. of the tanker

The shipping papers for hazardous materials can be found …

  • In a pouch on the driver’s door
  • In clear view, within reach while driving
  • On the driver’s seat when out of the vehicle
  • Any of the above locations
  • Any of the above locations
Some hazardous materials may not be loaded together with other hazardous materials. The prohibited combinations are listed in the …
  • Segregation and Separation Chart
If you are required to stop at railroad crossings, you must …
  • Stop 15 to 50 feet before the nearest rail
  • Remember to never shift gears while crossing tracks
  • Proceed only when you are sure no train is coming
If you are hauling hazardous materials and have ___ tires on your vehicle, you must stop and check them every time you park.
  • dual
You must have placards for explosives, poison gas, or dangerous when wet exceeding …
  • 10 pounds, 10 cartons, or 100 pounds amount
Which of the following will affect the stopping power of spring brakes?
  • Road conditions
  • Proper adjustment
  • Modulating control valve position (if equipped)
A dual air brake system has which of the following features?
  • One set of brake controls and two separate air brake systems
Which of the following parts of the air brake systems should be checked during the pre-trip walk around inspection?
  • Slack adjusters on S-cam brakes
  • Air hoses connected to the brake chambers
  • Brake discs or drums

During inspection, if a slack adjuster moves less than about one inch where the push rod attaches to it, which of the following statements is true?

  • It has the appropriate amount of slack
When testing the air leakage rate (by turning off the engine and releasing the parking brake), what is an acceptable air loss rate?
  • Less than 2 psi in one minute for single vehicles and less than 3 psi in one minute for combination vehicles.
Which of the following is not a step in testing that the spring brakes come on automatically?
  • Pull out the parking brake control knob
If you use controlled braking, which of the following is an acceptable procedure?
  • Release the brakes if you need to make a large steering adjustment
What should you do if the low air pressure warning light comes on?
  • Stop and safely park your vehicle as quickly as possible