In 1894, which breed of dog did Sir Dudley Marjoribanks first develop as an excellent companion for humans?
  • Golden Retriever
Which breed was developed by a tax collector in the village of Apolda in Germany in the late 19th century as a fearless protection dog?
  • Doberman Pinscher
Which ancient breed of dog did St Hubert, patron saint of hunters, and his monks develop in the 7th century AD?
  • Bloodhound
Which breed of little dogs was allowed access to the British Parliament by a decree issued by King Charles II?
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Which canine is the descendant of an ancient breed of dog called Techichi, which was integral to the rituals of ancient Toltecs and Aztecs?
  • Chihuahua
Which wild dog, also called Warragal, has contributed to the extermination of the native Tasmanian wolf and Tasmanian devil?
  • Dingo
Which breed of dog was called ‘Firehouse Dog’, having been the mascot of American fire station for a long time?
  • Dalmatian
What breed of salt and pepper terriers is named after a Character in Sir Walter Scout’s, Guy Mannering?
  • Dandie Dinmont
Which regal hounds, bred to course game across mountainous terrain, used to be premier hunters of leopards?
  • Afghan Hound
The first glycoside ever identified was amygdalin, by the French chemists Pierre Robiquet and Antoine Boutron-Charlard, in which year?
  • 1830