In which city is Elfreth’s Alley, the oldest continuously inhabited street in the United States, located?
  • Philadelphia
Which Massachusetts infantry unit, comprised of African Americans, was famous for its fighting prowess and exceptional courage during the American Civil War?
  • 54th Regiment
What role does waterway transport play in the U.S. economy during peak shipping seasons?
  • It helps accommodate the increased demand for shipping
What is a significant factor affecting the efficiency of waterway transport in the U.S.?
  • The depth and width of navigational channels
How does the waterway transportation system contribute to the development of U.S. cities along rivers?
  • By supporting urban expansion and infrastructure development
What impact do U.S. waterways have on tourism and recreation?
  • They provide opportunities for water-based tourism and recreation
How does the U.S. waterway system contribute to the transportation of hazardous materials?
  • By providing safe and controlled routes for the movement of hazardous goods