Which of the following is a balanced fertilizer for plants ?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 544)
It is not advisable to sleep under a tree at night because of the –
If a large number of people are enclosed in a room, then –
The water in an open pond remains cool even in hot summer because –
The content of water is greater than fats, the plasma is more than proteins, proteins are more than fats and fats less than plasma. Which constitutes the major Part of the human body ?
Gobar gas contains mainly –
The first metal used by the man was –
Under Akbar, the Mir Bakshi was required to look after –
The territory of Porus who offered strong resistance to Alexander was situated between the rivers of –
The Battle of Plassey was fought in –
Employees to whom overtime is must to be paid under restriction of Fair Labor Standards Act are called
Types of compensation employees get from organization after timely completion of work includes
According to compensation programs, benefits such as retirement pensions and life insurances are classified in category of
Type of rewards employees get in form of praise for successfully accomplishing goals or completing project is classified as
Compensation quartile strategy in which 75% of employers pays below than market and remaining 25% pays compensations higher than market is called
Raising consumer awareness of a commodities or product, produces sales, and makes brand reliability is
When every party has something that might be of worth to other party, it results into
Incremental trades are parts of ___
Idea of advertising efficiency initial come to prominence in the
Price augments of product impact sales ___