If you had done this work, you ____ punished.
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 496)
If you _________there, you ________me.
If light strikes a rough surface, it________
If you__________there, you_________me.
Choose the correct sentence.
It was a boring weekend_______anything.
Choose the correct sentence.
The law requires that everyone _____his car cheeked at last once a years.
He complied with the requirement that all graduate students in education____a thesis.
He said that he ____ be unable come.
He had written the book before he——–
He has been ill————Friday last
She told me his name after he——
He has been ill————Friday last
An intensive search was conducted by the detective to locate those criminals who——–
We waited until the plane ____
Choose the correct sentence
She -from flu when she was interviewed
He is my best friend now, and ——–for many years.
I come home after the train ____.