Replace the words by a single adjective: Airline pilots undergo ‘Very strict and severe health checks’ at regular intervals.
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 474)
What is the opposite word of ‘Optimist’ ?
A synonym for ‘Mischievous’ is –
Which pair contain correct synonym?
The speaker ‘ emphasized’ the need for cooperation in the project that we were about to undertake –
Mr. Ahad ‘seized’ the opportunity to present proposal to the director –
The boy from the village said ,” ____ starve than beg
I ____ happy to see him ,but I didn’t have time.
Jui ____ leave the hospital only six hours after the baby was born
There is plently of time you ____ hurry
____ you have any further questions,please contacts at the address above
Soldiers ____ harsh commands from their commanders.
Intelligent life on other planet ____ yet to be discovered.
We ____ spend summer at the seaside when i was child
I explained him everything lest he ____ misunderstand me
Try hard lest you ____ fail
I suggested that he ____ take legal advice
They ____ be at home
You should not indulge ____ smoking
A physician treated ____ me well.