Who wrote ‘Kubla Khan’?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 471)
Who composed ‘The waste Land’?
Who wrote ‘Robison Crusoe’?
Identify the correct sentence.
He speaks as if he ____ everything.
What is the alternative expression of ‘Dilly dally’?
What is the antonym of ‘Dormant’?
What is the meaning of ‘Delude’?
‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’ quoted by?
By whom was the first English dictionary compiled?
Who is the father of English novel?
Who wrote ‘Hard Times’ and ‘A tale of two Cities’?
The defendant waited anxiously for the jury to ______ the decision that would seal his fate.
Who is called the poet of supernatural?
Who is the romantic precursor in English poetry?
Who is the writer of “Absalom and Achitophel”?
Who is the greatest satirist of all times?
What is the name of a modern philosopher, who was awarded Nobel Prize in literature?
What is the name of first modern novel?
Who established the first English printing press?