‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ was stated by ____
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 434)
Identify the Poet of the verse: ‘Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought’
‘The Trumpet of prophecy! O wind. If winter comes, can spring be far behind’? Who is the poet of these lines?
How many oceans in the world?
Who is the writer of The Modern and The Post Modern Period?
Who is the writer of The Modern and The Post Modern Period?
Who is the writer of The Modern and The Post Modern Period?
Who is the writer of The Victorian Period?
Who is the writer of The Victorian Period?
Who is the writer of The Victorian Period?
Who is the writer of The Victorian Period?
Who is the writer of The Augustan Period?
‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’ is a quotation from An Essay on Criticism by ____
One of the following was a Romantic poet ____
Wordsworth was inspired by ____
Wordsworth is a ____ poet.
John Keats is primarily a poet of ____
Who wrote ‘Prometheus Unbound’?
Poet of sensuousness ____
Keats belong to ____