Which one of the following wards was ended by the treaty of madras?
- First Anglo Mysore war
- First Carnatic war
- First Carnatic war
- Second Carnatic war
Which one of the following wards was ended by the treaty of madras?
Who of the following Sikh Guru was started Gurumukhi script?
Which of the following is concerned with origin of Indian medicine?
Which Gupta emperor is said to have founded Nalanda University?
Which king gave titles like Muvendavelan, Araiyar etc to rich land owner as a mark of respect?
Which fort is also known as the Golden Fort?
Which English governor of East India Company in India was expelled by Aurangzeb?
In which state is the Bhimbetka caves which is famous for pre-historic rock paintings?
Which of the following animals was unknown in Indus Valley Civilization?
Who was the founder of Maurya dynasty?
Which of the following metals were mostly used for minting coins during the Mauryan Period?
Which Sultan of Delhi had established a separate agriculture department and had planned the rotation of crops?
Who was the Governor General of India during the Sepoy mutiny?
Which Governor General had abolished slavery in India?