Which of these lines of code would replace the content of a webpage with “Saaaaaakib”?
  • document.body.innerHTML = "Saaaaaakib";

The DOM is the set of functionality that browsers provide to enable developers to access and manipulate webpages. What does DOM stand for?

  • Document Object Model
const team = [
const [captain, assistant, ...players] = team;

What is the output of consoloe.log(players); in your console?

  • Array ["Mahmudullah", "Mushfiq", "Tamim", "Rubel", "Aftab", "Razzaq", "Rafiq"]
const team = [
const [captain, assistant, ...players] = team;

What is the output of consoloe.log(captain); in your console?

  • Mashrafi

Considering the following snap of code, what is the expected result?

const gotNumber = 46;
if (gotNumber>45) {
    var division = 'Second Division';
console.log(`Division is ${division} by number ${gotNumber}`);
  • Division is Second Division by number 46

Considering the following snap of code, what is the expected result?

const gotNumber = 46;
if (gotNumber>45) {
    let division = 'Second Division';
console.log(`Division is ${division} by number ${gotNumber}`);
  • Error: division is not defined

Considering the following snap of code, what is the expected result?

let dogName = 'Tom';
let catName = 'Jerry';
[dogName, catName] = [catName, dogName];
console.log(`Dog name: ${dogName}`);
  • String output: Dog name: Jerry

When used as a constructor, like new MyFunction(), the value of this will be a brand new object provided by the JavaScript runtime. If we don’t explicitly return anything from that function, this will be considered its return value.

  • true

What does the below line do considering it as the first line in your javascript file:

  • I will see an alert with not null value