Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 370)
“What is destined will reach you, even if be beneath two mountains. What is not destined will not reach you, even if it be between your two lips.”- A quote by whom?
“Four traits lift a person to the highest ranks, even if their works and knowledge are little: forbearance, humility, generosity, and good character. This is the perfection of faith.”- A quote by whom?
“Adapt a gentle tone when speaking, for verily the tone at times, has a greater impact than the speech.”- A quote by whom?
“Soft words soften the hearts that are harder than rock, harsh words harden hearts that are softer than silk.”- A quote by whom?
“Live as long as you want, but you must die; love whatever you want, but you will become separated from it; and do what you want, but you will be repaid for it.”- A quote by whom?
“As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good; I was actually being redirected to something better. You must convince your heart that whatever God has decreed is most appropriate and most beneficial to you.”- A quote by whom?
“Feed the hungry and visit a sick person, and free the captive, if he be unjustly confined. Assist any person oppressed whether Muslim or non-Muslim.” – A quote by whom?