For which of the following disciplines in Nobel Prize awarded?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 362)
Who developed the small pox vaccination?
The national sport of Canada is:
Who were the first to circle the moon?
Who was the first man to walk in space?
Who was first to reach the South Pole?
Galileo was an Italian astronomer who:
- Developed the telescope
- Discovered 4 satellites of Jupiter
- Discovered that the movement of the pendulum produces a regular time measurement.
- All the above are correct
Who is the author of the book “Time machine”?
The playbook “Shakuntala” was written by:
The book “Vish Vriksha” was written by?
The book “We Indians” was written by?
True about Dhyan Chand is –
True about Ferdowsi is –
True about Marco Polo is –
Which book has been printed in the maximum number of languages and these scripts?
The oldest Indian language is: Telugu / Hindi / Tamil / Punjabi?
International Holocaust Remembrance Day is observing on which day?
“Anyone can become angry – that’s easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not easy.” – A quote by whom?
“Person who chases two rabbits catches neither.” – A quote by whom?
Who discovered Australia?