Which U.S. national park is known for its vast tundra, located in Alaska?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 35)
What Hawaiian island is known for the Na Pali Coast, with cliffs and waterfalls?
What Alaskan city is famous for its ice sculptures during winter festivals?
What is the most iconic landmark in Hawaii known for its geological formation?
What is the largest national park in the U.S., located in Alaska?
What is the famous landmark in Hawaii known for its giant stone arch?
Which Hawaiian island is home to the famous Waikiki Beach?
What is the name of the national park located in Alaska’s remote wilderness?
Which Hawaiian island is home to the famous volcano Haleakala?
What is the most famous glacier in Alaska?
What is the primary climate type in Alaska’s southern coastal regions?
Which part of Alaska has the mildest winters?
Which state is home to the Cape May Historic District, known for its Victorian architecture?
What major American city is known for its extensive cultural history, including the Freedom Trail and historic neighborhoods?
What is the name of the famous festival held in New Orleans, Louisiana, that features parades and celebrations along the Atlantic Coast?
Which city is known for its famous skyscraper, the Empire State Building, located along the Atlantic Coast?
Which state along the Atlantic Coast is home to the famous theme park, Walt Disney World?
Which popular city is known for its historical maritime heritage, including the USS Constitution?
Which major city is home to the famous National Mall, which leads to the Lincoln Memorial and other historic landmarks?
What is the name of the large naval base located in Norfolk, Virginia?