What is the two-letter country abbreviation for Afghanistan?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 343)
What is the two-letter country abbreviation for Turkey?
What is the two-letter country abbreviation for the United States of America?
What is the two-letter country abbreviation for Sri Lanka?
What is the two-letter country abbreviation for Pakistan?
What is the two-letter country abbreviation for India?
What is the two-letter country abbreviation for Bangladesh?
What is the two-letter country abbreviation for North Korea?
What is the two-letter country abbreviation for South Korea?
After winning the 2016 United States presidential election, who took office as the 48th vice president?

Who renamed Abram to Abraham?
Where did Abraham bury Sarah?
Three angels appeared to Abraham as men. Where did this happen?
Who was the third wife of Abraham?
What mountain did Abraham go to, to sacrifice Isaac?
What relation was Lot to Abraham?
How old was Abraham when Isaac was born?
What was Abraham’s first wife’s name?
What was the name of Abraham’s father?
Where was Abraham born?