Which of the following rivers runs through the Appalachian Mountains?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 32)
Which mountain range separates the Appalachian Mountains from the Great Plains?
What is the name of the valley that runs between the Allegheny Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains?
How many U.S. presidents are depicted on Mount Rushmore?
In what year was the Social Security Act enacted in the United States?
Which U.S. president was the first to appear on television?
Which Teton Dakota Indian chief participated in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show?
Which major retailer was founded by Sam Walton in Rogers, Arkansas, in 1962?
What is a nickname for people from Maine?
Which Founding Father invented bifocal glasses?
Liberia’s capital city was named after which U.S. President?
Which American historian has two Pulitzer Prizes, two National Book Awards, and two Francis Parkman Prizes?
Who was the first African American actor to win an Academy Award for Best Actor?
In the U.S. presidential election 1968, which Democratic candidate did Richard Nixon defeat?
In which American organization did female pilots serve during World War II?
Which war interrupted construction of the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C.?
What is the capital of Illinois?
Through which national park does the Continental Divide not pass?
Which of these is known as the “Gateway to the West”?
Which Western state is home to the Great Salt Lake?