What is the scientific name of Banana?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 238)
What is the scientific name given to tea?
According to legend which mythical Chinese Emperor-half man, half-ox, was the first to discover tea?
Let this be an example ____ the troublemakers.
She could not dissociate herself ____ what she said earlier.
Pakistan is not enamored ____ the bomb for its own sake.
President Saddam Husain has lived ____ the gun all his life.
Give an example pertinent ____ the case.
He thought that his father was not happy ____ him.
The soldiers rebelled ____ the king.
There is no exception ____ this rule.
Nobody in our group has a genius ____ winning friends and in convincing people.
After having tea, he settled himself ____ his armchair.
You must listen ____ the question first.
The thunder was accompanied ____ heavy rains.
I have been waiting here for him ____ three weeks.
Keep clear ____ wicked boys.
I have distaste ____ publicity.
My voice reverberated ____ the walls of the castle.
The customer smashed his fist down ____ the table.