My brother is well versed _____ Economics.
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 232)
He hankers ____ money.
He always wakes _____ in the morning.
The concert will begin ____ fifteen minutes.
We ought to use more locally ____ made products instead foreign ones.
Come ____ to my house for dinner sometime.
Which is the longest river ____ Bangladesh.
Early rising is beneficial ____ health.
We insist ____ you’re leaving the room.
He is not interested ____ cycling.
He is not interested ____ cycling.
I was never apprehensive ____ my success.
Milk is preferable ____ tea.
We write ____ ink.
The man was absent ____ the meeting.
He was confined ____ bed owing to illness.
The man was charged ____ murder.
The police opened fire _____ the crowd to disperse.
The girl was reclining ____ the couch.
He insisted ____ my going to the cinema.