The whole case hinges ____ this point.
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 227)
Do not impute motives ____ him.
I absolve you ____ blame.
Find out the correct sentence ____.
I cannot accede ____ your proposal.
He insisted ____.
We were ____ friends in the strange but magical country.
I can’t give assurance ____ help.
We opted ____ reconciliation.
I have great respect ____ him.
My birthday is ____ February.
Death does not distinguish ____ the rich and the poor.
Mr. Rahim has been absent from the office ____ Friday last.
He has an antipathy ____ smoking.
I never interfere ____ my grown-up children, Mrs. Chowdhury said.
He lost his phone ____ the cinema hall.
He has deprived 1 ____ his paternal property.
I hope you are not envious ____ my success.
I have no prejudice ____ him.
The detective is looking ____ the case.